【10/3 TOSSUG 心得分享】Eugene Teo: 動態 Linux kernel 測試工具:SystemTap


SAMC快訊:[SAMC 代發]【10/3 TOSSUG 心得分享】Eugene Teo: 動態 Linux kernel 測試工具:SystemTap

【10/3 TOSSUG 心得分享】Eugene Teo: 動態 Linux kernel 測試工具:SystemTap

[English below] URL: http://wiki.tossug.org/心得分享2006

Tossug 開加班車!下個禮拜 Red Hat 在台北召開一場開放源碼研討會,Tossug 特別商請自新加坡來台的 Red Hat 亞太區工程師張漢輝 (Eugene Teo)來分享他使用 SystemTap 來診斷執行中的 linux kernel 問題的心得,需要 debug kernel space 程式的朋友們,不要錯過囉!

時間:2006/10/3 星期二,分享時間 7:00pm – 9:00pm,聊天時間到 10:00 打烊 為止。
主題:動態 Linux kernel 測試工具:SystemTap
張漢輝是紅帽亞太區公司的一名LEAP工程師。他主要負責管理在 LEAP 中心 和其他遷移中心與 Oracle 共同開發計畫的獨立軟體供應商。同時,他還為 紅帽企業 Linux 的遷移、移植和性能調整等問題提供顧問諮詢。漢輝致力於 SystemTap 計畫。在加盟紅帽之前,他是 Strategic Infocomm Technologies 中心的安全研究人員,主要工作為研究 Linux 核心中的漏洞。近十年來,漢輝一直是新加坡 Linux 和開源社區的活躍成員,在 Linux 用戶協會(新加坡)擔任許多不同職位。他曾在眾多活動中發表演講,例如在北京舉辦的
《第五屆亞洲開源軟件論壇》(the 5th Asia Open Source Software
Symposium)和在曼谷舉辦的《SyScan \’05》等許多活動中發表演說。

地點:Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee%26Tea)
有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
報名:請於上 http://wiki.tossug.org/SignUp 報名。
費用:免報名費,但需自付晚費或飲料費用,最低消費大約 90 元。
摘要:SystemTap 提供了一個從執行中的 linux kernel 收集資訊的架構,可用來診斷 kernel 空間的效能或功能上的問題。SystemTap 這個以 GPL 釋出的軟體消除了繁瑣的測試、重編譯、安裝、重開機的冗長過程。
     SystemTap 讓開發者和管理者得以撰寫和重複利用簡單的手稿 (scripts) 來對 linux 系統的活動做深度檢視,可以快速且安全地擷取數據、
過濾和彙總。講者將介紹 SystemTap 工具、其工作機制、並討論它可用來解決的問題,聽眾可以體驗 SystemTap 手稿語言,並現場看到幾個漸趨複雜的展示。


URL: http://wiki.tossug.org/ExperienceSharingEvening2006

We have an extra talk next week! Red Hat is going to hold an open
source conference in Taipei next week. Eugene Teo, a Red Hat Asia
Pacific engineer in Singapore, will share with us the SystemTap tool
for diagnosis of performance and functions of the linux kernel.

Time: 7:00pm October 3 (Tue)
Place: Mix Coffee & Tea (http://wiki.tossug.org/MixCoffee%26Tea)
Wireless access is free, please don\’t leave your laptop
at home.
Topic: Dynamic Linux Kernel Instrumentation with SystemTap
Sign up: Please go to http://wiki.tossug.org/SignUp to sign up for
the talk. You can still attend the talk but people who
signed up has priority in case the seats are not enough.
Speaker: Eugene Teo
Eugene Teo is a Linux Enterprise Application Porting (LEAP) Engineer
at Red Hat Asia Pacific. Eugene focuses on ISVs going through joint
projects with Oracle at the LEAP centre and other porting centres.
He provides consultation for migration, porting, and performance
tuning issues on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. He works on SystemTap
and help out in the Red Hat Security Response Team occasionally.
Prior to Red Hat, he was a security researcher at the Centre for
Strategic Infocomm Technologies (CSIT), focusing on Linux kernel
vulnerability research. Eugene is an active member of the Linux
and open source community in Singapore for a decade, having held
different portfolios within the Linux Users\’ Group (Singapore).
He has spoken at numerous events such as the 5th Asia Open Source
Software Symposium in Beijing, ?SyScAN\’05 in Bangkok and the
Open Source Symposium 2006 in 12 cities across Asia Pacific.
He holds a Bachelor\’s Degree in Computing from National University
of Singapore, and is a Red Hat Certified Engineer/Examiner.

SystemTap provides free software (GPL) infrastructure to simplify
the gathering of information about the running Linux kernel.
This assists diagnosis of a performance or functional problem.
SystemTap eliminates the need for the developer to go through the
tedious and disruptive instrument, recompile, install, and reboot
sequence that may be otherwise required to collect data.

SystemTap allows developers and administrators to write and reuse
simple scripts for deep examinations of live Linux system activities.
Data may be extracted, filtered, and summarized quickly and safely
to enable diagnoses of complex performance or functional problems.
This talk will introduce the SystemTap tool, discuss the types of
problems it may help solve, and outline how the tool works.
Experience a taste of the SystemTap scripting language with
several increasingly complex live demos during the session.



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