FW: 一位老外環台灣半島遊記
FW: 一位老外環台灣半島遊記 這是一名美國人來台騎機車旅遊之遊記,其中有對台灣交通的觀感!可以知道從外國人觀點來看,台灣所謂的特殊國情! http://www.jimwilliamson.net/motorcycle/ 2006-04-27-taiwan-thailand/index.html Yep – heading down the road just like this. The dog looked a bit nervous though. Small dogs might be in a basket in the front with large (or small) dogs standing in the step-through area – tail out one side – head out the other. 喲,照這樣往前直走(他要去墾丁),我想那隻狗有點緊張吧,我想小狗跟大狗應該一隻在前面籃框,一隻在踏板才對–(尾巴跟頭各朝一邊) Scooters have their “lane… Read more (完整文章內容)FW: 一位老外環台灣半島遊記