收到系統通知信『The certificate for 個人網址 will expire in xx days』?

今年又遇到問題了~XD 想到去年有發文到鳥哥那邊去詢問 http://phorum.vbird.idv.tw/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=37191 這次再來一次留檔給自己看好了 ******************************** 最近發現系統發了幾封信給我的linux主機root信箱 標題是『The certificate for jir.no-ip.org will expire in xx days』 xx是數字 內容大概是寫: ################# SSL Certificate Warning ################ Certificate for hostname ‘jir.no-ip.org’, in file (or by nickname): /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt The certificate needs to be renewed; this can be done using the ‘genkey’ program. Browsers will not be… Read more (完整文章內容)收到系統通知信『The certificate for 個人網址 will expire in xx days』?