關於Bananai Pi M1舊板,跑RetroPie模擬器有問題的狀況

— Update October 2020 —

While this still works, I consider it obsolete and advise against installing it. I noticed an annoying screen tearing / scrolling lag issue that makes this Retropie setup not fun to play. I am currently working on installing Lakka on the Banana Pi. The older Lakka 2.1-rc5 with 3.4x Kernel already works, and I had some success compiling and installing the newest Lakka version that has not been released yet. It works with the very latest linux kernels (5.x) and contains much newer drivers for the Mali GPU that allow for a much smoother experience.

Scripts for installing Retropie on Banana Pi M1 (Allwinner A20)

Here are the instructions how to configure the system and build RetroPie for yourself: https://github.com/bernhard263/Bananapi-Retropie/wiki

Here is a ready-made SD card image for the Banana Pi that has everything already installed: https://github.com/bernhard263/Bananapi-Retropie/wiki/Image

大概跟我現在用新版的Armbian(Debian系統)+Kernel 5.8.11跑Banana Pi M1,RestroPie好不容易搞定(但是要先登入進X Window才能執行Emulationstation)。

讓我們期待一下,似乎使用Lakka Linux的版本有好消息。

3 thoughts on “關於Bananai Pi M1舊板,跑RetroPie模擬器有問題的狀況

  1. 爬文章的時候看到,回一下。kernel 要開啟 drm_lima。然後compile mesa。成功後 dmesg 應該會看到 lima 的成功驅動。sdl2 要 開啟 kmsdrm 。然後compile Emulationstation ,這樣就可以不進xwin,只接在console 開es。如要用舊核心。可參考我的 https://github.com/asakous/Neo-EmuELEC-H3

  2. 感謝您的建議,我大概了解。

  3. drm_lima 在 5.X 的核心才會出現。舊核心還是用 fbdev 效能會好些. 我的github 有寫 allwinner h5 。它也是用 kms drm 。

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